Maintaining Consistency

One of all time favorite quotes is “Are you who you want your kids to be?” (Brene Brown – from “Daring Greatly”) I use this quote when I am evaluating how I spending my time. Most of us have lives that do not allow for the “ideal” schedule (kids, spouse, family, a job… ) However, we still determine what are priorities are by what we give our time to. One thing I often hear is I don’t have time for my physical health. Sometimes schedules are way crazy, maybe your spouse works nights, or you have multiple kids in different activities, or you just are in a phase of life you are working more hours then you really would like. Maybe you can’t make it to yoga, or yoga isn’t your thing… but I bet you have a stroller and you could head out the door for some fresh air–with the kids… if you are at the ball fields, I would hope there is another parent sitting near you that would love for someone to ask them to get out of their chair to move for 30 minutes. So… are you living the life you want your kids to someday live?If you are interested in joining me in a monthly challenge, I invite you to head over to the One+One Yoga Blog and find out how you can build strength and balance for handstands and other inversions—even with only 5 minutes a day to practice.

take some time… write down specific goals. “getting in shape and losing weight don’t count. Then write down why you are setting those items as your goals. ex: There was a season, after one of our kids were born that I had a really hard time getting back to taking care of myself physically. I still cared, but I let alot of reasons get in the way. In the process, one of my hips started to give me a lot of pain. And then everytime I would try to run again, I’d end up miserable. So, I stepped back, gave myself some grace, and changed my goals to fit where I was at, at that season of my life.