Ujjayi Breath

If you have been practicing yoga for very long, you may have heard a yoga teacher say, “if you practice Ujjayi breathing…” So, what exactly is Ujjayi (oo-jy [rhymes with “pie”]-ee) breathing? Is it helpful, or just weird?? First, our...

Sanskrit, Science and Faith

Before we dive in, two things you should know about me. I believe in creation science, the more I learn (and the longer I live); the more I do not believe evolution could be more then an idea. Maybe we will move on to that topic on another day … But for now, the...

being a mom

I’ve been a mom for almost seventeen years now. A few things I’ve learned about myself along this part of my journey. -I first learned I wasn’t very patient, I have practiced patience, prayed for patience, gained some patience —and can still...


If you are interested in joining me in a monthly challenge, I invite you to practice the 5-minute handstand challenge each day, for 30 days! Even with only five minutes, I’ve included many options and variations. So whether you are a beginner or have been...